Sunday, July 13, 2008

So at church today, the pastor was preaching on Mark chapter 7 - the one where Jesus calls the religious leaders hypocrites. The illustration went as follows:

"So let's define hypocrite for a moment. The word is a greek word, and is actually a Greek theatrical term referring to the masks that the actors would put on to portray characters in a play. Where's Rachel? Is she here today? Some of you may have seen her around. She helped out at VBS this week. She is also playing Maria in The Sound of Music this summer. After the games, she would have to leave to go get ready for her shows. As an actress, when she goes to the theater, she has to play a character that isn't her. This is what hypocrite means - the masks we wear."

It was actually really funny, after I stopped blushing furiously and trying to hide behind my Liesl, who was sitting with me that day. And the lady in front of me, who had been discussing the play before the service, turned around afterwords and said, "So, were you just sinking under the pew?"

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