Saturday, March 27, 2004

Why do people insist on talking about you like you're A) stupid, B) deaf, or C) Not even there. A lady wanted to make a reservation for Easter weekend. She decided that she wanted "you know, whatever the best room is that you can give us....since it is our anniversary." So I closed the reservations screen to get back to the room rack so I could check out availability. "Oh no, we don't want a more expensive room...just, you know, whatever is the nicest." So I put her back in the room and had to ask her information again..."Oh, honey, she just forgot our information, didn't she?"

"She" is sitting right here...and wouldn't have lost your information if you hadn't changed your mind about the room...

A lady last night made a snitty comment about me and then looked at me and laughed like I should be enjoying the joke. I wish I could remember what she said...

I spent the afternoon browsing through my old posts. Wow! Some things haven't changed at rants about work, having too much to do, and too little sleep. I think I might be a workaholic. No matter where I am, I'm always too busy with no time to enjoy life. So, I think I'm going to quit a job. I don't need the money to survive anymore, and I don't want to keep running ragged.
Hey everyone, I realised today that you have to republish your blog from time to time, so I did, and to make a long story short (too late) I have all my archives back. Strangely enough, my first set of rants ever sound ver similar to my latest ones...same old job, same old story!
I'm officially a bartender. How cool is that? Better pay, and I get to take home all of my tips. So far it's only once or twice a week, but every bit helps! People always look shocked when I talk about bartending and church in the same breath. (Isn't that kind of against your 'religion?') My conscience isn't bothered by it. Am I tempting people to excess? I don't know. Maybe I'll feel differently about this later, but for now...

Jesus was a bartender too


At least, he brought drinks to the party...