Saturday, January 28, 2006

Adventures in doing nothing, and how much I suck at it

Adventures in doing nothing, and how much I suck at it.

I did very well yesterday in the bed rest department. After teaching the two of my classes that didn't get cancelled, I went to the library, checked out half a dozen books, and came home. I read Orson Scott Card's Sarah yesterday in between naps, meandered into our common living room, and talked to Nancy for a while before downing my first sleeping pill.

Last night I slept from 12-6, 7-9, and had a nap after breakfast this morning from 11-1. I count that as an accomplishment, even if I did wake up once.

Today I went to Bible Study at 2, stopping at Metal Pro's house on the way to drop off a mic for his latest Metal Cobras of Death adventure. Denise and I read 10 chapters of Numbers today, and will be very glad to get out of the Pentateuch and onto the action adventure stuff. We feel we have a very good handle on sacrifices, less of a handle on levitical law, and no understanding of the juxtaposition of the moodiness-o-God vs. the whining of the Hebrews in Numbers. Of course, when you spread it out over 40 years it makes more sense than the editing process that makes events happen right on top of each other. Good that editing has finally entered into the picture. Moses was a redundant writer, and if someone had mentioned to him along the way that it would be perfectly within the realm of reason to combine what God said, Moses relating it, and the Israelites actually doing it into a single narration, the Bible would be a short novella. But the timeline is hard to follow post Red Sea.

Then I went to the branch library, hoping to use the last of my energy to find a couple more scholarships to research. I looked through an entire book of scholarships and found 4 for my trouble. If only I was a minority, or a high school senior, or had a legally disabled parent, I could get all the money I need. If I were all three I'd never had to work again. I could just stay in school indefinately. But as a post undergraduate, non-disadvantaged, and childless non-minority under the age of thirty five, I'm going to have to keep looking. And write a lot of essays.

Then I came home with an oven pizza, made that, and threw together some green been cassarole and fudge brownies while I waited for dinner. I'm going to take a nap after I print out a few application to put in the appropriate section of my file cabinet.

Two Major Developments

Two Major Developments

The first is, I'm finally being medically treated for insomnia. I haven't slept well since August, and now my doctor is going to try sleeping pills for a while. Last night I slept 6 hours before I woke up, and then another two, and I took a two hour nap after breakfast. Hopefully just sleeping through the night on a regular basis will aleviate some of the stress I've been under. Because we all know that none of us are capable of rational thought when exhausted.

In other news, I've applied for Grad School. No, I'm not going anywhere, it's an accredited online college. I've been looking at their program for two years, and they're offering a class again that I've really wanted to take. I've decided that I'm not going to pay any money out of pocket if I can help it, beyond my application fee, so I'll begin my first class when I win my first scholarship. I have my second one due on the 15th of February. I'm going to dual major, and my first class will be "C.S. Lewis, his writings and works." I've been looking at that class for ages, and the best part? I already have all of the required reading on my bookshelves. So no extra money there. And while, right now, I'm clearly in no shape to begin anything else, by being enrolled in their program I'm eligable for more scholarships than I would be otherwise. We'll see where this goes.