Yesterday was the first official day of the Dinner Theater's Spring Break! Hurrah! We Drove from Lake Isabella to Solvang, (some of us by way of LAX) and then to Grandma and Ken's place for dinner with the purpose driven life group. I ran to the Alisal, talked to my managers, and picked up my uniform to work this evening. I'm not thrilled about working, but a woman has to do what she has to do. So tonight, I'm back to cocktail waitressing.
And I surprised the heck out of Wendy. I'd hoped to catch her at her house, but she walked in to pick up her silverware while I was talking with Ramiro. She screamed, then swore. I guess that means she's happy to see me... We're supposed to go for coffee today.
After dinner we went to the house that's hosting us. Unloaded. Tasha and I bought groceries. And then we played a zillion rounds of Phase 10. I won. Which was lovely because the last time I played I was stuck on phase 2 for 17 rounds.
And we watched a surf video of some guys 100 miles off the California coast surfing 66 foot swells in open water. Quote of the movie: "There's like a million seals out here. It's like a shark snack bar."
Just where I'd like to be paddling about imitating marine life.
And right before bed, when everything dissolved into the tired jollies, we had a pillow fight. The guys won. As usual.