Last night was complete schizophrenia. I had to remember my own blocking, the blocking of the lead I'mm understudying, and then out of the blue, I found out I'mm also in the chorus as a completely different character, and I have to learn more music. Not a huge deal since I already am in the scene, but more to do.
Today we blocked our last kids number. The only dance we have left is the Laendler. That happens...thursday? I've lost track. Today Maria was a little more centered. I'd gone completely overboard trying to get rid of my own rather prim mannerisms, and had to reign in my Maria-on-the-run persona. Putting on my character shoes fixed most of it. I'm also moving slower.
In my bit of spare time I'm going to eat lunch and go to safeway to buy hairspray. Then, rehearsals until 10. The long days have commenced in earnest, and I'm raring to go. First full Act-1 runthrough on Thursday night.