I'm watching the Monk Marathon today as inspiration to clean during the commercials. So far I have a clean living room and kitchen, clean dishes in the dishwasher, and fresh baked brown sugar granola cookies for Flogamockers this evening.
Next week, if we don't flag over Psalm 119 (all 127 verses or whatever), we'll be DONE WITH THE OLD TESTAMENT. It's taken us a little over a year but we read the WHOLE OLD TESTAMENT. OUT LOUD. With voices, hand gestures (wave offering), and much sloughin over the names (Sherubabababal), and group sayings (THUH priest!), the occasional themed party, and whatever else it took to keep us engaged. I'm hoping Jesus doesn't plan on coming back in the next week, because I would lack closure.
The tree is up (only one, though) and the garland at the folks' house. It was a slow year for additional Kunzepalooza-ers. Only Bean came over. Denise is in the doghouse.
And I'm off tomorrow after other Bible study to finish filming the music video. Pray much and wish me luck. There was over a foot of snow on the pass last night.