For a change, this is a happy story.
A pre-teen came up and was quite demanding, and very brusque. The guy turned to me after he left and was astonished at how many people seem to come here to be demanding and have a bad time over imagined neglect and poor service. They should just be greatful to have the prosperity to be able to be here, away from the city, and enjoying themselves and their families. I liked him right away.
We got onto the subject of musicals and opera. He likes both. We discussed our favorites. I'm not sure how it came up, but the conversation ended up on Tolkien, Lewis, and Chesterton. We discussed thinklings for an hour and a half. It was one of the best days I've ever had out there by the pool. And his last thought was, "You are very odd, you know that? For someone your age. But hold onto it. It must be very lonely, but you've really blessed my day." Need I mention, he's a "mere" Christian. He blessed me more than I could possibly have blessed him. It was a great day.