Oklahoma! is open. Outdoor theater is blazing hot, but throwing myself into the river between shows helps.
This week I'm just trying to stay cool as Seattle hit's an all-time high.
Work has slowed down since I'm not available for weekends anymore, but Banana wants me back, so all is well. Working on a few Lachellybelly items while I have free time.
Snow White rehearsals will start three weeks after Oklahoma! ends (I wonder, do I really need to put in the exclamation mark every time I mention it?). And I've agreed to costume Ghostlight Theatrical's Fall show. I was hoping for one more evening gig, but I may concentrate on oodles of dance classes instead, and wait for the SMT shows I'd like to audition for this season. (Company and 110 in the Shade).
Off to eat apple pie made from scratch this morning.