Who knew Madeleine L'Engle wrote so much? I'd read all of her children's books, and loved them, but found an adult book while looking through the "L" section of the used bookstore.
That's my new book buying trend. I pick a section of the store, and then grab everything off the shelves that looks interested. There's just too many books to be more particular, and I speed through them so quickly, I'm not always looking for a great book, but just an interested one for a couple of days' worth of commute. Also, at 5:15am, it can't be too deep. I'm barely awake. Ditto for the ride home. I often pass out on the train as soon as I sit down.
Summer is my favorite time to read. As a child, we used to walk to the library every few days, where I'd pick out a stack of books, bring them home, and read them one after another. My favorite thing about waitressing is all the reading I get to do during the commute.
It's wonderful that my husband is a reader as well. Every place we go, we can count on amusing ourselves at an Antique Mall and a Used Bookstore. We have 9 bookcases in our 650 square foot house. Plus extra stacks on our bedside tables. Yesterday we went to Half-Price Books to scope things out in advance of today only's 50% off one item coupon that came in the mail. Alan got a "History of DC Comics" book, and I grabbed the 4th Book of a Madeleine L'Engle series. I'd bought the first yesterday, and went to ABEbooks.com to purchase the other two.
If you've never been to ABEbooks, you should look it up immediately. It's the online conglomeration of all of the independent booksellers. They often have rare and out of print books, and sell things generally cheaper than Amazon. I picked up two books from two different booksellers for a total of $7.50.
I love finding a new author, and devouring everything they've writted\n. I feel that Madeleine L'Engle will have a permanent spot on my bookshelves, in my Inklings Section.