Wednesday, March 30, 2005

So Proud of Me

Mary Hunt would be so proud...

Oh I am so proud of me. I had my credit card all paid up from my car repairs (had to charge it to the card while I transferred money from my savings account in Tightwad, MO), but my balance showed 49.98. I thought I'd paid everything off within the grace period, so no interest should have accrued. And, being a little shaky on how quickly interest accrues anyway, I thought it sounded a bit high. But I didn't want to have it increase while I wasn't looking, so I opted to pay it off today.

But then I looked at my statement one last time before I paid it. My records are in too good of shape right now for it to be an oversight charge. So I went over it with a fine tooth comb. And voila! My movie rental store has continued to charge me for unlimited rentals in a state which I don't currently inhabit. So I called them. And I called the store. And their refunding the charges (in a long circuitous way) back to my card. So, for once, I didn't end up shelling out money needlessly because of a financial oversight on my part.

It feels very good. Ha.

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