Wednesday, February 09, 2005

To the tune of ouch.

"How much is wow?"
"Somewhere between ouch and poiiiing."

So I got my poor car fixed today. To the tune of $580. Oh yes. Thanks to Mary Hunt and my contingency fund, I have it. But it's still a lot for a computer chip and somethingg to do with my transmission (Or trannie, as the guys call it. What is that?).

But they washed my baby. Well, most of the way. Somehow they missed vacuuming my backseat. You would think for that much money they might remember it. But I didn't want to sit around while they fixed it, and they did give me free hot chocolate while I waited. And the outside it ready for me to turtlewax before I put her under a cover and let her sit for three months.

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