Sunday, June 09, 2002

It's been an interesting three days...Matt and his mom kidnapped me and took me with them on their random trek through southern CA. It began with a near death experience as a car veered out of control on the freeway and came within inches of taking us out four times. All sorts of fun. Then onto Los Angeles. Saw Mann's Chinese Theater, the hollywood museum (Got my picture taken in Captain Picard's chair), and ate at a pizza place called "Earth, Wind and Flour." Ate with a nice Jewish family (friends of Matt), who I was worried about offending if I ordered Ham and pineapple toppings. Nope, they dug in too when it looked like the three of us at the other end weren't going to finish. The next morning we woke up too early and drove to San Fransisco for Matt's audition with the head of Merola. I was supposed to be dropped off en route, but the detour would have taken too long, so somehow I ended up heading 5 hours north -- and having to be at work 28 hours later. During Matt's audition, I got my reward for spontenaiety -- Brenda let me go to Nordstrom's half yearly sale -- bought a lovely new pair of shoes. Steve Madden. Red. 5 inch wooden platform heel. Brenda calls them "Barbie goes to woodshop." That evening we checked into a kitchy little hotel, and ate seafood at a restaurant with jellyfish on the walls. Then we got a call from a lady in Santa Ynez that she'd gotten us into an audition the next day in Santa Barbara at 10. So after 4 hours of sleep we were back in the car driving 5 1/2 hours south. Turned out that she'd gotten her days mixed up, and unless Matt and I decided to learn an instrument on the drive down there wasn't much chance of them wanting to hear us. Not much to do except drive back home, put on my uniform and go to work. Exhausted. Anyway -- that was the last three days!

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