Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Old Shadows

Chris: "Start with: 'We're always sick' and Julie's cross."

Johnny: "We should have a real baby."

Rachel: "Yeah, we'll get working on that."

Veteran Cast & Vanessa: "The baby's arms are missing. They've been sacrificing to the spirits a little at a time."

Vicky: "I have inzombia."

Jessica: "You can't even say, 'Where's your family?' in a group of Christans because they say, 'here.'"

Chris: "They're whoopie Christians. You sit on them and they pray."

Vicky: "Jesus, we know you healed the ten leopards..."

Adam (telling his testimony): "...And I said, screw it, and I raised my hand."

Chris: "Tomorrow? Yeah. Act."

Angie: "God is stretching us now so we'll be flexible later."

Vicky: "I speak very well English."

Aaron: "You wash your puff?"

Aaron: "My favorite was shoving the C-4 in the cram hole."

Vicky: "Alright, I'm going to go sit with people who don't give me the idiot look."

Julie: "Good Luck."

Austen: "Your scowl could kill a full grown moose."

Adam: "I need to scratch my benito."

Angie: "I'm thinking on her face."

Julie: "I can feel the words."

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